Virtual Garden Tour

Front Flower Bed: In addition to flowers, and it's main purpose of being 'pretty' this also contains two blueberry bushes. 

Front Flower Bed #2: This bed contains an assortment of planters (two for herbs and one for strawberries), Two grape vines with trellises and an assortment of flowers 

Side Trellis: Contains two raspberry bushes. Currently the trellis is constructed of PVC pipes, but I hope to convert it to a wood frame and do a little bit of work to make it look 'nice'. 

Large Raised Beds: Currently over grown with dead weeds that took root at the end of last summer and covered in dead leaves (which in addition to me being lazy - is good for the soil). This is where the majority of the vegetable plants will be grown. 

Two Small Raised Beds: Considerably smaller than the other raised beds, but same design and location. Last year I grew potatoes here. Will probably use it this year for some non-root veggies. 

***Warning*** - these are photos taken during the winter. Nothing looks lush or green. I will update as the weather turns and things begin to take bloom.