
Welcome to my garden blog!

I started my first vegetable garden in the spring of 2010. I went into the experience with little knowledge and was prepared to learn along the way. I was working in a garden center at the time and found that other gardeners were my number one resource. When I saw someone buying something that interested me I'd ask them about it and get as much information out of them as I could. The amazing thing about gardeners is that most of them are very enthusiastic to be doing what it is that they're doing and as a result very willing to help.

My first season of gardening proved to be disappointing. My harvest was not as plentiful as I had anticipated and as a result any canning I had hoped for was virtually impossible. I was only getting handfuls of this or that sporadically, so my hope that I wouldn't have to buy vegetables during the summer became pretty impossible as well. Knowing that it would be a learning experience, I was not discouraged and instead took note of things that I would do differently the next time around. As I prepare for this season, I hope that mother nature is willing to be a little more generous with rain and a little less giving of the high intense heats that she graced us with last year.

The purpose of this blog is to maintain a journal of my gardening experience. I plan to use this tool as a reference in future years about how I planted, what I planted and when I planted certain crops. In addition, I look forward to any advice anyone can offer, and hope that if anyone else has any questions they would feel free to ask.

Happy Gardening!