Friday, March 18, 2011

Transplanting and Buds

Yesterday was another glorious St Patrick's Day and also an opportunity for me to get a little more done in the way of gardening. I started the effort by taking a walk around my front yard. I was using this as a chance for me to show Jude all of the fun things we were growing. I pointed out our peach tree, grape vines, raspberry, strawberry and blueberry bushes and we talked about the sprouts that were taking place in our mini-greenhouses. While using this as a learning experience, it was also time for me to see what the transition to spring was bringing us. I was excited to find that buds were starting to form on a number of my plants (specifically the blueberries and peach tree were taking off). In addition the array of daffodils that liter our lawn are either in bloom or on the cusp of bursting open.

After a little bit of procrastination, I took the time to begin transplanting my lettuce. I designated one of my smaller raised beds as the lettuce bed and got to work. I started by tilling up the soil a little bit. Then staggered the lettuce to maximize space. I would have planted more, but Jude was making it a little difficult.

Last year, the greenhouses I used had little cardboard 'pots' that you broke apart and planted the whole thing into the ground. This year the individual 'pots' were made out of plastic. This proved to make things more difficult. The soil basically crumbled in my fingers as I was pulling each plant out making it increasingly difficult to transplant quickly. I did what I could to keep the roots in tact, and I'm interested to see how they will catch. I'm pretty sure before warm weather plants get pre-planted I'll be buying the decomposing pots.

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