Saturday, February 12, 2011

Indoor Herbs - Pre-Spring 2011

Today, I planted my herbs indoors. Last summer I grew herbs outside and was very successful, however I had a hard time starting the basil from seeds and had to resort to buying pre-grown seedlings (parsley and oregano however, I had no problems with). I determined that last year I put my seedlings outside too soon and they were unable to prosper during the chilly nights. In addition, I don't think I gave them a chance to mature indoors in a temperature controlled environment before throwing them outside.

As a result, this year I wanted to start them indoors earlier in larger window pots instead of in the Jiffy Greenhouses. I figured by doing this I could enjoy the herbs for a longer period of time and if they were really successful, I could always keep these indoors and split the plants and take some outside as well in my larger pots.

These seeds were all planted in the herb pots linked above with Miracle Gro Organic Potting Mix.

Basil - Mammoth - Burpee Signature
Number of Plants: 1 pot with about 10 seeds
Planting Depth: about 1/4" - just below the surface
Growing Season: March - October
Seedlings: expected in 7-14 days
First Harvest: when leaves begin to form

Parsley - Big Italy - Burpee Signature
Number of Plants: 1 pot with about 10 seeds
Planting Depth: about 1/4" - just below the surface
Growing Season: March - October
Seedlings: expected in 14-21 days
First Harvest: when leaves begin to form

Oregano - Mediterranean - Burpee Signature
Number of Plants: 1 pot with about 10 seeds
Planting Depth: just below the surface - barely covered
Seedlings: expected 10-21 days
First Harvest: when leaves begin to form

True Lavender - Lavendula Angustifolia - Burpee Signature
Number of Plants: 1 pot with about 10 seeds
Planting Depth: just below the surface - barely covered
Seedlings: expected in 14-28 days
First Harvest: I don't intend to harvest this currently. I may try to derive some essential oils from it, but currently my plan is just to have it smell pretty :)

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